

The Code of Iowa, Chapter 34A, states that the director of Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management shall appoint a program manager for the 911 program in Iowa. The program manager shall act under the supervisory control of the HSEM director and in consultation with the 911 Communications Council.

All 99 Iowa counties have the capability of accepting wireless enhanced 911 Phase II service, which provides the call taker at the public safety answering point with latitude/longitude coordinates so they can more readily locate the person who has placed the 911 call.

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Iowa Administrative Code

In Iowa, 911 phone service for land and wireless phones is provided for by the Code of Iowa, Chapter 34A, & the Iowa Administrative Code, Section 605, Chapter 10.

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911 Funding Opportunities

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911 Resources and Contacts

Looking for information on 911 and how to talk to your family about 911? Find resources at Ready Iowa.

Report network outages here: FCC Network Outage Reporting System

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State of Iowa 911 Shared Services

Are you interested in the State’s shared services environment? Complete the Iowa 911 Program Shared System Notice of Intent and Intake Information form. View and post PSAP training opportunities.

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911 Communications Council

List items for 911 Communications Council

Council meetings are held at 9:30 a.m. on the second Thursday of each month, at the Dallas County Human Services Campus, 25747 N Ave, in Adel unless otherwise noted. View past council meetings on YouTube.

Sign up to receive emails to be notified about upcoming Iowa 911 Communications Council meetings. Enter your email address and then scroll down to Homeland Security & Emergency Management lists. Check the box next to the β€œ911 program of Iowa.”

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911 Documents & Reports

List items for 911 Documents & Reports

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